Friday, July 17, 2020

Thought Seeds..When Someone Just Won't Accept Facts

What I'm working on is to focus on the matters rather than the politics of an issue. For instance, Climate Change is one of my top concerns, so instead of trying to educate someone on how the government must fix it and do legislation for it (which of course we really need), I focus on just getting some compelling thoughts on the topic itself to the person, get them interested without pushing or making it political. Thought seeds is how I think of them. I'm trying to adjust my engagement to come across as neutral so they can't tell where I am on the political spectrum and just drop a thought or a fact into the convo. I think that's a good technique for the people who won't listen or learn.. drop a thought seed and then walk away, results of thought seeds take time. That is my tactic from here out. I fail pretty regularly at implementing the technique but I am still working on getting it down pat.