Friday, February 15, 2013

One Thing You Can't Hide

Modern churchianity often encourages people to bury their emotional wounds and deny their mental illnesses in lieu of having faith and letting God whisk your past away. However, this doesn't actually work for a lot of people. Sometimes therapy or other treatments are required to get mentally and emotionally healthy. Please do not let your faith keep you from seeking help if you need it. This is not a lack of faith, it's wisdom. Yes, miracles can happen and a person may be healed instantly, but if you are still struggling with depression, suicidal fixation, self-harm or other issues, please seek professional help. Many times, God uses people, including professionals to be His hands in the healing process. Please, whatever you do, don't try to hide when you're hurting inside.


  1. I enjoy your posts and your journey so much. But many times I find myself reading one of them and getting very nearly enraged with the church you grew up in. Issues of mental health and getting the right help for those who need it are a paramount, front and center ministry in my Methodist church community. I cannot imagine a house of worship preaching the pretense that God would prefer to ignore them, in hopes that would make them not real. It's stupefying. :-(

    1. Thank you for reading! Unfortunately the churches I experienced this in are not a random or rare thing. This is widespread and fairly common. I agree, it is stupefying. :(
