Friday, December 13, 2013

One Year Since Sandy Hook, Gun Mania Still Rampant in America

Today marks one year since the Sandy Hook school shooting massacre. I've been reading news stories as of late about gun laws being looser today than than they were a year ago. It seems that a small handful of states of have made better laws, but the majority of those that took action, did so by making guns easier to get. 

This fact just me want to cry for the children of this nation. When did our ideology become so twisted that our right to bear arms became more important than the safety of our most vulnerable citizens, our children. Are we so fear driven that we really believe that an assault rifle can save us from any impending government doom? 

I am for our right to bear arms in the USA, though I absolutely hate guns and gun violence, I support our right to own them. I do however, long to see a return to common sense concerning guns. If you have guns, lock them up, don't let your kids handle them or even have access to them. On the scale of society we need gun reform so desperately. I have written my government representatives about it and I hope you will too if you haven't before. If you have, thank you, keep up the good work. 

We must remember this tragedy beyond this heart wrenching anniversary and take appropriate action in our personal lives, as communities and as a society. Speak out for gun control on online forums, speak out to your friends and family. If we can't get rid of guns, we can at least raise consciousness on what we can do to keep them locked and secure in gun cabinets and out of the hands of the mentally unwell and/or potential gunmen. I think we owe at least that to the children and adult victims who died looking down the barrel of an assault rifle. 

God help us as a nation to lose our gun obsession and put our children and vulnerable citizens first. Amen.  

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