Saturday, January 18, 2014

Facebook Ex Bashing Seriously Just Needs To Stop

Among many of the annoying things that go on in Facebook-land, the "bashing of the ex" in my opinion, is the very worst. It's a horrible social media trend that seems to happen fairly regularly. In my tiny little friends list, there is typically a handful of people who bash their exes openly on FB. Even worse is that often their kids are on their friend's lists. Now even if what they are saying is true, little kids, pre-teens and teens don't need to hear it, in person or publicly on Facebook! Life is hard enough without all your friends and social contacts seeing your family drama play out on the page of one of your scorned or hurt parents. 

Even if kids are not involved, say you're single and childless and you feel the need to air your dirty laundry on your ex, that just makes you look like a shallow-minded, immature jerk. Save it for your shrink..or better yet, tell it to Jesus. I love this commentary below, shared with me by my friend Brenda today. It's for divorcing parents, but applies to everyone, married or not who are acting the fool in front of their kids during a breakup. 

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