Walk away! Shut the door! Get rid of toxic people in your life or things that don't serve or grow you! The mantra of modern human relationships.
advice for friends/romantic interests, bad advice concerning family
members. Too many people are applying this advice to family members.
Family relationships can be very difficult and "toxic" but dealing with
those family members throughout life is one of life's biggest character
builders and learning experiences. Most modern folks are labeling
meddling or overbearing family
members "abusive" and it's just not the case many times. Use it as an
opportunity to set boundaries and practice healthy relationship
techniques. Barring someone from your life completely is typically
uncalled for and destructive in ways that cannot be fully comprehended.
Now when there has been legitimate abuse, physical, mental, emotional
terrorizing, etc then yeah, shut the door if you have to for your
many family members are being shut off from grandkids,
nieces, nephews, etc because one person might deem them toxic when the
truth is, they might just be annoying to you or trying to give you
advice that you don't want to hear. I've seen many times when
people who were not really good parents become really fantastic
grandparents. Estrangement does not just hurt the one person that you
feel is toxic in your family, it hurts the whole family. Often children
are the primary victims that miss out from vital family connections when
estrangements occur. Please take this advice, to walk away from people
who do not make you happy, just don't use it on family members.
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